Hello Halifax!!
Well, I made it! What a day...after arriving late to Leanne and Luke's last night and awaking early this morning Danielle and I ventured off to take Pearson Airport by storm. It surely was an adventure! Upon arriving, our first battle was where to park; after rebelling against the marked directions, Danielle decided on a fine piece of pavement. We then discovered that we were on the wrong side of the terminal (we were in section J-K, and my check in was in section B)...so we hiked it down in hopes of not being late. From there the luggage drama began: while checking in I accidentally input 0 items instead of 2 ( I was going for the 02...the machine didn't seem to like that apparently); my luggage was too heavy and upon arrival at this fine city we call Halifax it was delayed due to belt problems. But all is well now, I'm fully unpacked and settled in. The flight was wonderful! Unfortunately I wasn't able to get a window seat like I hoped..but I peered past the lady next to me out the window...being above the clouds was so so beautiful; I was able to marvel at God's creation between spells of shut eye. I love the beauty of clouds as a general rule and being amid them was really beautiful. As a whole, my first flying experience was a delight. Next time I'll be sure to get a window seat. Sitting on the wing was a great ride, just as Heather and Ian prescribed! I think, if anything, several myths were debunked for me: there is not a lot of room in those seats! I can't imagine withstanding a 12 hour flight or something of the sort; the airport is a large, overwhelming yet very cool place; and the constant ear popping sensation is not exactly fantastic.
Part of me feels like I'm just here for the weekend...however the other part of me that spent hours packing and unpacking mammoth suitcases definitely knows I'm here for the long haul! Right now I'm just hanging out in my room until 5:30 when we have our first meeting ( dinner, of some sort )....so that should be fun.
I am excited/nervous/tired for the days to come...I know God has mighty plans in store and I'm excited to see them get underway....Halifax here we come!
...have a great weekend everyone!