Why I Love my Job:
-the staff are really amazing. They have a lot of experience and I know that I'm going to learn a lot from them
-the facility is really great...well maintained, spacious, colourful, clean...it's really great. As well, the building that it's in is magnificent...it's one of two very large business buildings downtown Halifax that are occupied by businesses, law firms, accountants, etc....so the building is really beautiful (see picture, left). The picture on the right is of the beautiful interior.
I was mistaken when previously describing the center: it's a daycare that cares for children 6 months-5 years of age. Our centre takes up the majority of the 2nd floor. There are 22 floors in all and I discovered today that going all the way in the elevator makes your ears pop, not a delightful experience.
- the building, as I previously mentioned, is right on the waterfront...there's a huge, be
-the program structure is fantastic!! The days are very structured, so the kids know what's coming (which is important!). As well, it's so HEALTHY!...That's the only word I can really use to describe it...not just physically ( although we do go walking a LOT with the kids)...but emotionally and spiritually as well. As you can tell I'm a big fan of the YMCA programs right now.
-the walk to work is really wonderful. It's nice to spend time by myself, but also the scenery is beautiful! It allows me to either walk through downtown or along the waterfront. Recently I've been taking the downtown route in the AM and the waterfront route on the way home. It's been a great way to further discover the city(and wander..fun times.)!
-apparently a large part of my tourist activities are going to be covered this summer because we're going to explore them with the daycare(museums, etc.).
-Coming soon is a huge graduation party for the children leaving the daycare, which is fun preparing for. Today I was paid to be crafty! I designed and made the graduation caps for the cutie patuties. It was fun!
- The children are adorable and really well behaved. I know, what children aren't?...but for real...these kids are really great! Today, while walking home from Dollarama, Bridget looks up at me and says "Nicky, who makes it rain?......God?"....cuteness:)
-It has potentially landed my roommate a job!! FUNNY STORY: So....my first day on the job...I'm in the kitchen and my boss Rhonda is distressed about having to hire another student to fill an admin. position
Nicky - "Well...I've got a roomate looking for an admin position if you're still accepting applications.."
Rhonda - "Does she happen to be a visible minority or have a disability?**"
Nicky - "Well ya, she's from the Philippines..."
**insert lots of laughter here**
Veronika and I had many laughs over this story. The next day (yesterday) she had an interview, which apparently went super(!), and well...we're just waiting the final word to hear that she's my coworker as well as roomie! Veronika loves filing, organizing, and well, administrating...so she's going to be a great assistant to my slightly scattered boss. (she actually got excited when she heard how disorganized the office is at work!)
-It's wonderful. What more can I say? God has really blessed (spoiled!) me with my job placement and I am really really thankful!
Okay, signing off, so sorry for the rushed blog! Good night all!
*My amazing Grade 12 English teacher.
**This was the stipulation on the grant she was given by the government...they're encouraging the hiring of visible minorities and people with disabilities.