Well, I guess somehow my father's hunting genes didn't get passed down to me...unfortunately I am not nearly as good at it as he is! Job hunting is slow and steady. Who knew looking for work was a job in itself? I committed to trying to find a job in my field up until the end of yesterday (wednesday) and now I'm branching out to other opportunities. I've applied for a few positions that I would be really really happy if I got any of them : Program Coordinator at a youth day camp (St. George's YouthNet...google it if you like...their mission statement is really wonderful...really hoping to get a call back from them!); Early Childhood Educator assitant at Happy Hollow School (it's sounds cheerful, right out of Bambi!), as well, I have an interview today at 3:30 at Scotia Personnel, which is an agency that places you with childcare jobs (sounds like a good deal to me!...we'll see how it goes.)
I'll continue to keep y'all posted...God's slowly provided us all with jobs which is very exciting. Today I'm working on revising my resume to make it more retail oriented to prepare for the event in which I will need to start applying to other opportunities.
Thank you everyone for your prayers concerning this issue, I'm confident God will prove to be faithful.
(the picture included is of students job hunting and working on resumes at the university library)
1 comment:
Hey Nicky. I just thought I'd congratulate you on how poetic your blogs have been. You should try to get a job at a newspaper or something. Perhaps that could help spread the word even more . . . Anyway, have a good time, and I'll talk to you soon Rosti.
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